Site-specific information for geese occurring on Svalbard
GOOSEMAP summarises current knowledge on the distribution of three goose species which breed in Svalbard: the pink-footed goose, barnacle goose and light-bellied brent goose. Maps are provided to illustrate site-specific information, including core breeding and moulting sites, areas where the birds are known to be vulnerable. Gaps in the maps identify areas where knowledge gaps occur. This information forms a basis for the management of Svalbard’s fragile habitat, including the regulation of traffic and other human activities on the archipelago.

Photo © C. Hübner
GOOSEMAP is supported by Svalbard’s Environmental Protection Fund.
The web-pages were launched in 2009 and updated in 2012.

The project is conducted by
Ingunn M. Tombre (Project leader – Norwegian Institute for Nature Research)
Jesper Madsen (Aarhus University)
Preben Clausen (Aarhus University)
Jouke Prop (University of Groningen)
Frank Hanssen (Norwegian Institute for Nature Research)
Scientific experts
Georg Bangjord (Norwegian Nature Inspectorate)
Christiane Hübner (Norwegian Polar Institute)
Eileen Rees (The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust)
Larry Griffin (The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, UK)
Web design
Camilla Næss (Norwegian Institute for Nature Research)