Maps and data  Categorizations


The observations of geese are categorized in relation to the status of the geese. The following categories are used: 

  • all observations in May unless there is information about nests/eggs 
    (for light-bellied brent geese until 7th of June)

  • all observations where eggs or nests are recorded, independent of observation date

Brood rearing
  • all observations with goslings and/or families

Moulting, non-breeding
  • only when observer has noted this specifically

  • all observations from 19th August onwards

Unknown status
  • all observations impossible to sort in the above categories. Information regarding passing flocks is included here. Observations from this category are also included in the maps showing all observations.

For satellite tracked geese an individual-based judgment has been made, based on site-faithfulness/behaviour; e.g. signals from the same location for a prolonged period between 10th June and 10th July is considered as